*I am father, Christ says, I am brother, I am bridegroom, I am dwelling place, I am food, I am clothing, I am root, I am foundation: all whatsoever you desire, I am. Be in need of nothing. I will be even a servant, for I came to minister, not to be ministered to; I am friend, and member, and head, and brother, and sister, and mother; I am all, only cling closely to Me. I was poor for you, and a wanderer for you, on the cross for you, in the tomb for you; above, I intercede for you; on earth, I am come for your sake an ambassador from My father. You are all things to Me: brother, and joint heir, and friend, and member.
What more do you want?*
-St John Chrysostom, from his 76th Homily on the Gospel of St. Matthew